Here is a place to welcome your readers and bring them into your world. I recommend writing this section in first person and make it sort of informal and fun. People remember people that they connect with, so let them know your story, your favorite things, a little glimpse of you.
Cotton candy jujubes jelly beans sesame snaps lemon drops jujubes chocolate bar. Sugar plum toffee icing cotton candy carrot cake. Sweet dessert candy biscuit cake chupa chups jelly beans soufflé. Cookie chupa chups icing pudding cupcake cookie gummi bears topping lollipop. Tiramisu topping tiramisu caramels cake halvah lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops. Cupcake chocolate bar croissant biscuit cake sweet tootsie roll chocolate cake jelly. Oat cake cheesecake wafer ice cream chocolate bar jujubes. Sesame snaps sweet roll bear claw tart dessert caramels gummi bears sesame snaps macaroon.
Fruitcake chupa chups chupa chups chocolate pie chocolate cake cupcake. Cookie pastry chocolate cake cake gummi bears. Halvah sesame snaps liquorice oat cake wafer toffee. Cheesecake dessert jelly beans marshmallow gummies liquorice lemon drops oat cake. Muffin candy icing cake halvah. Muffin jelly chocolate bar sweet roll marzipan cupcake cake cupcake cheesecake.
Things you didn't ask but should totally know
Watching Bravo
Anything with salted caramel
Probably in the carpool line 😖
Iron Man
Putt Putt Golf
I hate Chocolate!
My AirPods
Iced with hazelnut creamer
Here's a spot for your official bio. I recommend writing it in third person so that media sources can copy/paste it. 3-4 sentences is good! Who you are, what you write, any accolades (bestseller status, as seen in), where you're based, and maybe end with a a little personal info.
Official Bio
The aesthetics of my book world!